A unique antique wallpaper collection from the 18th to 20th century
The french Museum "Musée des Arts Décoratifs" own one of the most important antique wallpaper collection in the world.
Besides important collection of Zuber wallpaper, last traditional french manufacture still working, we can find some importante pieces from all the other manufactures from the 18th century, including Reveillon, Dufour, Desfossé...
It also features a collection of works on the subject of Chinoiserie
Scenic wallpaper murals
The Museum has a series of well conserved antique wallpapers. A very interesting collection, as decors are often near their original state.

Le Brésil, Manufacture Desfossé, 1862 - Photo: Les Arts décoratifs - Jean Tholance - Voir la notice - Reproduction sur papier intissé - |
L'Eden, Manufacture Desfossé, 1861 - Photo: Les Arts décoratifs - Jean Tholance - Voir la notice - Reproduction sur papier peint intissé
La révolution de 1830 - Manufacture Deguette & Magnier - Photo: Les Arts décoratifs - Jean Tholance - Voir la notice - Reproduction sur papier peint intissé - |
Decorative panels
The Museum own as well an important collection of decorative panels of Manufacture Reveillon, and many neo classical inprired decors, like the Story of Psyché by Dufour.
Histoire de Psyché, Manufacture Dufour, 1862 - Photo: Les Arts décoratifs - Jean Tholance - Voir la notice |
Les Arts Décoratifs
Born in 1882 (antic & neoclassic)from the venture of "L'Union Centrale des Beaux Arts appliqués à l'Industrie" and the "Société du Musée des Arts Décoratifs", the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs (UCAD) becomes an association with the purpose of' "maintain in France the Culture of Arts that pursue the realization of beauty in the usefull '.
In 2004, UCAD becomes "Les arts Décoratifs"
Based on 3 sites in Paris, "Les Arts Décoratifs" are a Museum, a library and a school

Détail du papier peint "L'Eden" - Photo Les Arts décoratifs - Jean Tholance |
Détail du papier peint "Révolution de 1830" - Photo Les Arts décoratifs - Jean Tholance |
Conservation of antique wallpapers
The wallpaper department of the museum, in association with the Institut National du Patrimoine, has developped a unique knowledge in conservation of antique wallpapers and gained a worldwide reputation
Each conservation is a special project, from fundraising to realization in the studios of the Museum
Here are some documents abour wallpaper conservation
Restauration de papiers peints / INP
Restauration insitu "Les vues d'Italie"