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Worldwide shipping

GDPR - Data Policy


As of May 25, 2018, the European General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR in short , comes into effect. This obliges us to clearly record what we do with your personal data, known to us. Therefore, our policy with regard to this is as follows:


PDP-MEDIAS, editor of manages your personal data in the following way:

We keep an address file in which we register the following data of you insofar as these are known to us:

- First Name

- Last name

- Company Name

- Street name

- House number

- Postal Code

- Residence

- Country

- Phone numbers

- E-mail address

In addition, we have an administration in which we process our business transactions (quotations, orders, deliveries, invoicing) with you.

The aforementioned data are collected via our website and stored in France by the company OVH, the European leader in e-commerce website hosting.

You are free to contact us if you want to view, change or delete your registered data. For further information about this, you can contact the undersigned at any time at or +33 981 802 833


Papiers de Paris Team