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Psyche taken by Zephyr  - Wallpaper
  • Psyche taken by Zephyr  - Wallpaper
  • Psyche taken by Zephyr  - Wallpaper
  • Psyche taken by Zephyr  - Wallpaper
  • Psyche taken by Zephyr  - Wallpaper

Psyche taken by Zephyr - Wallpaper

REFERENCE Histoire-Psyche_2

Themes: Antic&Neoclassic

Size : H 77 x  45' inches

Panoramic wallpaper from the Psyche and Cupid
Panoramic wallpaper from the Psyche and Cupid series, created by the Joseph Dufour manufacture in 1816..

This panel is exhibited at the Museum of Decorative Arts  - MAD Paris.

Photo Credit: MAD Paris - Jean Tholance - Papiers de Paris 

rong>series, created by the Joseph Dufour manufacture in 1816..



This panel is exhibited at the Museum of Decorative Arts  - MAD Paris.


Photo Credit: MAD Paris - Jean Tholance - Papiers de Paris 


439,00 €

+ Delivery


  • Scrubbable
  • Strippable
  • Paste the wall only
  • Straight match
  • Strong light resistance
  • PVC free non woven paper
  • Very resistant
  • Do not shrink or retract
  • 100% matte paper
  • Easy to install and remove.


  • Scrubbable
  • Strippable
  • Paste the wall only
  • Straight match
  • Strong light resistance


  • PVC free non woven paper
  • Very resistant
  • Do not shrink or retract
  • 100% matte paper
  • Easy to install and remove.


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Catalogue Papiers peints


Catalogue Papiers peints

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  • France and Europe : 10 days
  • International : 15 days


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How to install


This print kept at the Museum of Decorative Arts (MAD Paris) is an edition of the Manufacture Défossé and Karth in 1890
In 2014, Papier de Paris signed with MAD Paris, Musée des arts Décoratifs, a commercial agreement allowing the re-release of the antique wallpaper collection held by this institution known to be one of the most important wallpaper collections in the world,
This approach, however, was neither customary nor known to the Museum. Working since 2011 on this base with the RMN, Papiers de Paris proposes MAD to revive this heritage fund by adapting it to current decorative projects, By reversing a fees of sales to the establishment and by financing, as is the case with this decor, a photography or re-digitization campaign, this agreement allows the Museums to bring their collection to new decorative projects.
Papier peint Psyché au bain- Papiers de Paris
Psyché au Bain , Manufacture Dédossé et Karth, 1816 - Photo : MAD Paris - Jean Tholance - Papiers de Paris - Reproduction sur papier intissé -

The paintings are inspired by Jean de La Fontaine's novel "Les Amours de Psyché et Cupidon". They were designed by Xavier Mader, one of the great drawing artists of the 19th century, who contributed to the creation of many panoramas.

Detail cupidon - Psyché au bain- Papiers de Paris
Psyché au Bain, détail de Cupidon, - Photo : MAD Paris - Jean Tholance - Papiers de Paris - Reproduction sur papier intissé -

Initially printed on 53 cm strips, in grisaille or sepia shades. We print them on our 91 cm strips. Our perfectly matte paper is particularly suitable for reproducing antique wallpapers, imitating the look of painting "a la planche".


Panels from the Psyche and Cupid panoramic series are available upon request. 

All our wallpaper are made by ourselves, in our workshop in Blois.

image de realisation sur mesure


This decor can be made to your measurements: tell us the dimensions you require and receive a personalised quote.
Size and colour adaptation
Composition of panoramic backdrops on plan
Choose your wall decor from museum works
Mounted on frame.

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